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Easter's Big Questions

What does Easter mean to us?

Christians celebrate Easter at the end of Holy Week, which brings to a close the Lenten season of fasting and penance. Easter Sunday is also known as Resurrection Sunday. Mary Magdalene and several other women went early on Sunday morning and were the ones who discovered that the stone covering the entrance of the tomb had been rolled away.

On Easter Sunday Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead after his crucifixion and burial. As Christians we believe according to scripture that:

  • Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Saviour of the world who was promised (Isaiah 53)

  • The resurrection took place when Jesus was raised from the dead three days after his death on the cross

  • We believe that Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross for our sins

  • By rising from the dead, Jesus defeated the power of sin and death and all who believe in Him will have eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Why did Jesus have to die?

The accounts of Jesus’ death on the cross, his burial and resurrection from the dead, can be found in the following passages in the Bible: Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20.

The death of Christ on the cross is a huge sacrifice for our sins. God’s wrath against us was poured out upon Jesus. The crucifixion followed by the resurrection is the victory of good over evil. Jesus Christ died so that we would be free and have eternal life through him. Because of Jesus’ death we have divine justification.

Is the Resurrection real for Christians?

As Christians we are absolutely convinced and confident that the resurrection is real. Our confidence lies in the fact that these historical accounts are found in the Bible. Some of these are listed below and, for myself, give very clear reasons for my strong belief as a Christian that the resurrection is real. The Biblical facts are as follows:

  • The tomb of Jesus was found to be empty

  • Jesus appeared several times alive after his death

  • The disciples believed that Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus’ empty tomb is recorded in the New Testament:

  • Luke 24:1–12

  • Matthew 28:1–10

  • Mark 16:1–8

  • John 20:1–8

  • 1 Corinthians 15:3–5

As Christians we have confidence in these sources because we believe in the Bible and testimonies as well. The New Testament accounts are early in date and come from different sources. Mary Magdalene was the woman who first discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty and she was an eye witness. We are also confident that this was so because the Jewish authorities admitted that the tomb was empty by saying that Jesus’ disciples had stolen his body. As Christians we believe that the statements in the Bible about the empty tomb are reliable.

Jesus appeared alive after his death

In the New Testament Paul gave a list of people who also were witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection appearances. Paul’s testimony was a strong one and we agree because the Gospels back them up. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, Peter, the Apostles, and Paul. The Gospels also confirm various resurrection appearances of Jesus alive after his death to others individuals and groups as well.

The belief of the disciples that Jesus rose from the dead

After Jesus was crucified his disciples were distraught and were hiding in fear of their lives. Some of the Jews only believed in resurrection on Judgement Day after the end of the world, and others did not believe in resurrection at all. The disciples suddenly and truly come to believe that God had raised Jesus from the dead. They were totally convinced and were not afraid, even when threatened with death. Paul, who had been persecuting the Christians, suddenly became a Christian himself. The early church also grew, so something really powerful must have happened, for all these events to be taking place – Jesus has risen!

Based on these facts I can say that the resurrection is real for Christians. If God created the whole universe, would raising his son Jesus from the dead be too much for him to accomplish? Christ is risen and he is alive and seated at the right hand of God the Father and is interceding for us. As Christians we are alive in Jesus Christ because of the resurrection.

Khadija Nathan


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